making art work for you

From The Studio of Life Arts Designs

Lois & Fanelle

Life Arts Designs is the collaboration of artists Lois Eder and Fanelle White.  Lois and Fanelle have known each other since 2007, when Fanelle’s daughter was a student in Lois’ Special Needs class and Fanelle was an art teacher at the same school.  They shared a common interest in the arts and Lois would visit Fanelle’s art classroom during her off periods, becoming inspired by her teaching and engagement.  It was inevitable that they would become close friends. More than ten years later, they began to talk about retirement and a collaborative art adventure, and Life Arts Designs was created. 

“Colorful Beach

What do you do first when you get to the studio?

Lois: I like to go up to my studio that has large windows which let in wonderful sunlight and put on peaceful music to help calm my brain and inspire creativity.

Fanelle: I set up all my art supplies I will need for my vision of the artwork. I am very methodical in my art approach.  

How many paintings do you work on at a time?

Lois: I put in all of my energy into a single painting so that I can continue on a single focus path.

Fanelle: I am blessed with being a very focused artist. Thus allows me to create a work in a timely manner which allows me to work quickly and focus on one piece at a time. 

Dogs Allowed

Do you have a dream project that you would like to work on?

Lois: Abstract work that includes a multi-media approach has always fascinated me. I visualize a large work with many ways that the viewer can connect to my work through texture, composition and color.

Fanelle: I am so fortunate that I have worked on so many projects both individually, in a teaching setting, and in group setting that I feel I have satisfied my need to dream. That said, I am always experimenting with new ideas and new collaborations. 

featuring “Subtle Beach”

If you could paint with anyone, who would it be?

Lois: Georgia O’Keeffe because I have loved her since high school!

Fanelle: Wow, what a question! I am humbled to work with any artist whether it is an ex-student or working established artist. It’s all wonderful. 


What’s your favorite way of generating ideas and inspiration?

Lois: I talk to everyone wherever there is any form of art and compartmentalize all this information in different areas of my brain. My friends are always blown away by my ability to pull out any needed information and use it for inspiration in my artwork and sales of artwork.

Fanelle: I am so lucky to have a brilliant business partner, Lois, who has inspired and encouraged my professional art making career. 

How has your art evolved over time?

Lois: In one word “age”. Age has its advantages with combining old experiences with new ones. I have learned from old mistakes and discovered new mediums which has helped me to grow as an artist.

Fanelle: Looking back on work I did years ago compared to what I am doing now shows a difference in genre, but not talent (hope that doesn’t sound boastful). I taught art for many years and before that I was an industrial designer. All that time I created for someone else’s purpose, not my own. Now I create beach scenes and am a new resident of the Jersey shore which reflects my happiness in beach life. 

What do you like most about your work?

Lois: I am never quite sure of the exact outcome, and I love the resulting energy that seems to take on a life of its own.

Fanelle: I love to look back on my work and find myself smiling. I try to place many small stories within each work. This way, each time someone looks at the work they see something new.  


What is one word that best describes your style?

Lois: Unexpected

Fanelle: Whimsical  

What is your favorite time of day to paint?

Lois: I love the early morning light and am a very early riser with loads of creative energy.

Fanelle: I am not a morning person (coffee first before all else). That said, the best light to paint is late morning to early afternoon when the natural light helps me see all flaws and wonderful blend of colors.  

“Endless Horizons

Do you ever get “stuck” on a piece? If so, what do you do?

Lois: Taking a break from work is always helpful. I live near the beach and a long walk along the shore with salty air filling my lungs clears the blockage and helps me to refocus.

Fanelle: Oh my goodness, yes! I put the piece away for a while and think about what is bothering me for a day or two. Hopefully after I have come to a conclusion, I retry and apply my solution.  

“Candy Bowl Prussian Blue

What is up next on your easel?

Lois: I like to work in series with a nautical or beach theme. The most recent series I completed was a sea life theme and I am now thinking about exploring landscapes inspired by my upcoming trip to the Alaskan wilderness.

Fanelle: I so want to play with a new concept of playing with a combination of perspective, color and light!  

What To Read Next…

The images featured above are available in our Print-On-Demand collection.  Some areas of our website are password-protected. If you are a member of the trade but don’t have full access to our website,, please contact us at

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