making art work for you

Surtex 2015 Recap


Brian Henn, 3&W President & Melody Minarcin, 3&W Acct. Mgr.

We recently returned from the 2015 Surtex licensing tradeshow in New York City. Aside from the fact that Manhattan is a great place to visit in the Spring, Surtex is a fun and fascinating business event – three full days of image overload!

Our in-house Production team furiously worked in collaboration with our artists to create new designs appropriate for textiles, wall coverings, stationery, and much more. It is so fun to be part of a team that can step outside the familiarity of wall décor and find new ways to create opportunities for our artists.

Escaping from the office to be part of a New York City event was fun and insightful. We saw a bounty of designs, colors, and concepts that will only inspire us to continue to introduce new artwork to grace your walls and products.We learned that there is never an end to creativity – beautiful artwork and design is a constant that continues to grow and evolve. Be prepared for so much more coming out of Third & Wall Art Group in 2015 and beyond!



~ Brian Henn, President


Third & Wall offers exclusive contemporary and transitional imagery for wall decor and licensing, with a wide selection of Posters, Originals and Print-on-Demand/Licensing imagery.  Some areas of our website are password-protected. If you are a member of the trade but don’t have full access to our website,, please contact us at

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